Growing from seed is somehow smart way to beautify your garden and it will gives you a wonderful complishment! What’s about start growing seeds that gives us such delight? It may have something to do with the joy that comes from encouraging to grow a new plant life indoors. While if it’s still chilly outside or later in the season with tactile pleasure of poking tiny seeds into sun-warmed garden soil and visioning of  the green sprouts to come.

Seed-starting is a great diversion and a fun challenge too. The immense pride you will feel, when you share your garden-to-table meals with family and friends knowing that the delicious salad grown by you.  Plants that grown from seed make an excellent complement to your ready-to-grow Plants in the garden.

When to Start Seeds

Once you have those seed packets in hand then, you’re going to growing! Start seeds growing too early but you might end up with leggy, overgrown plants. Start seeding too late though you’ll be drooling over  your plants’ blooms to turn into fruit.

So, how do you know when it’s prime time for start seeding?
But don’t worry, You’ll find all the information you need in this article. Also, be sure to read the seed packets about when planting your veggies and herbs. They will offer a lot of useful information like days to germination, ideal temperature you need, how deep to plant the seeds, days to maturity, plant spacing, sun needs, and more.

Pro Tips for Seed Starting

Some seeds need some extra TLC to get started.  Like, Tomatoes and peppers, for instance and need warm soil to germinate, so a heat mat is required under the seed-starting tray which can help as boost success. You may have to soak certain seeds like garden peas, overnight in water for speed sprouting.

Lettuce seeds need light to germinate thus, sow them on top of the soil. And some seeds like borage, need to be kept in the dark till they sprout. All seedlings need light as soon as they germinate. Again, you have to check the seed packet!

No matter what kinds of seeds you’re planting but be sure about to pick a spot in your home with good light  consistently in warm temperatures, and good air circulation for good growing.

Also, slower-growing seeds are best to start indoors and some seeds are great for sowing directly in the garden. Like Radishes can mature in about a month, so you can go ahead and sow those seeds right. You may also consider  doing succession plantings with fast-growing seeds which helps planting a new batch every couple of weeks thus, you’ll have a continuous supply of fresh veggies to enjoy.

How to Start Your Seed

Now  you’ve to gather your supplies and the real fun begins!

  1. Start by filling your containers or seed trays with moistened pot mix.
  2. Using your index finger, firm the mix into the container.
  3. Place one or two seeds per container. Depending on the size of the container, you may add  on more seeds, but should not to overcrowd.
  4. Check the instructions on the seed packet, and cover seeds with seed starting mix to the appropriate depth or simply press the seeds into the top of the mix.  They will need light for germination.
  5. Using a spray bottle, gently water the seeds to settle them into the mix.
  6. Place the containers onto a heat mat, if needed, and cover the containers with a humidity dome or clear plastic bag to maintain moisture.
  7. Set the timer so the plants receive 12 to 16 hours of light per day. place the seeds on the sunniest windowsill in your home.
  8. Check seeds daily and spritz with water as required. Don’t let the potting mix dry out completely!
  9. Remove the humidity dome/bag when the first leaves appear.
  10. Bully the baby leaves! And “roughing up” your seedlings will turn them into stronger plants. Or you can Brush your hands over them several times a day to strengthen the stems and help them to prepare  withstand wind when planted in the garden.
  11. When the second set of true leaves appears then, it’s the best time to move the seedlings into bigger containers.
    12.  To pot them up and gather larger containers like plastic cups with drainage holes,  and fill them with a premium soil mix compose to provide the nutrients your plants need to grow strong.  Then make a hole in the center of the soil with your finger.
  12. Using an old fork, gently scoop the seedling under the roots from the cell propagation in the container.
  13. Choose the strongest seedlings to replant . If you want to keep multiple plants growing together in the same container then, gently tease apart the roots to separate them.
  14. Insert the seedling into the larger containers with potting soil. Repeat the process for each seedling and place pots in a leak-proof tray to protect furniture.
  15. Water the plants thoroughly, making sure excess water drains well.
  16. Place plants under lights or on the windowsill and you have to check daily if they need watering.

How to Transplant Seedlings into the Garden

As the weather warms and  if you’re eager to move the plants out into the garden, then  STOP! Before you relocate them, they need to be hardened which is the process of gradually getting young plants grown indoors and  used to  get outside conditions like intense sun, wind, and rain. Then, you have to look for a level or partially sunny spot that’s sheltered from the wind and give your plants about an hour of outdoor time to start.

Each day, you have to gradually increase the number of hours they’re outside and the amount of sunlight they receive and don’t forget to bring them inside if the nights are cold. And keep them hydrated too, as wind and sun will make them thirsty.

Now, You’ll love the satisfaction of creating salad dinners for your family and friends. And Enjoy your seed-starting journey!

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