Why Is My Coleus Wilting

Coleus Wilting

If you’re like me, you love your coleus plants. They add a touch of color and life to any room. But what do you do when your beloved coleus starts to wilt? Don’t worry, there are a few things you can try to revive your plant. First, check the soil moisture and water if needed. … Read more

Do Cucumbers Like Mushroom Compost

Mushroom Compost

If you’re like me, you’re probably wondering why anyone would ask such a strange question. But believe it or not, this is a serious inquiry that has been debated by cucumber growers for years. Some say that cucumbers love mushroom compost and that it makes them grow bigger and tastier. Others claim that cucumbers are … Read more

Half shade Succulents-8 Plants to stay indoors

Succulents-8 Plants

Half Shade succulents are the plants that can stay in a shelter away from full sun. these are species which can manage to develop well just receiving indirect light. Indirect light refer to be natural lighting that comes from a window, or even exposure on a balcony. Succulent is a plant that need light otherwise … Read more

Is Banana a Tree or a Fruit

Banana a Tree

Banana: a delicious, nutritious fruit…or is it? Many people don’t realize that banana is actually a tree! But before you go chopping down your next banana, read on to find out more about this controversial fruit. Introduction Many people think that bananas are a tree. However, bananas are actually considered a fruit. This is because … Read more

Why Is Plant Stems Turning Brown

Stems Turning Brown

We’ve all seen it happen: a plant’s stems turn brown and it looks like it’s on the verge of dying. But why does this happen? Is it a sign that the plant is sick? Or is something else going on? Turns out, there are a few reasons why plant stems can turn brown. Here’s a … Read more

Why Are My Caladium Leaves Curling

Caladium Leaves Curling

If you’re like me, you love your caladiums. They add a touch of elegance to any room and they’re so easy to care for. But why are my caladium leaves curling? Well, there could be a few reasons. It could be too much sun, not enough water, or even a pest problem. But don’t worry, … Read more

How Late Can You Plant Sunflowers

Plant Sunflowers

If you’re like me, you love the bright and cheery blooms of sunflowers. But did you know that you can actually plant sunflowers pretty late in the season and still enjoy their beauty? That’s right – with a little bit of care, you can grow sunflowers even if you plant them a bit later than … Read more

How Often To Water Bougainvillea

Water Bougainvillea

Bougainvillea is a beautiful, flowering plant that is popular in many gardens. But how often do you need to water bougainvillea to keep it healthy and happy? Why water bougainvillea? There are many reasons to water bougainvillea. This tropical flowering plant is known for its beautiful, vibrant flowers. However, it requires regular watering to stay … Read more