When is The Best Time to Plant Hydrangea

When is The Best Time to Plant Hydrangea

The best time to plant a hydrangea is well before the high heat of summer arrives

The word “hydrangea” gives a hint why. It comes from two Greek word roots:

hydro,” meaning water, and “angeion,” which means vessel. Roughly translated, it means water vessel—an accurate description of hydrangeas’ thirst for water.

Hydrangeas need a ready water supply to thrive, especially during the first few months after planting, when plants are establishing.

So, when is the best time to plant hydrangeas? Aim for late spring, well after any danger of frost has passed, or early fall, when night temperatures usher in cooler air.

Choose a Healthy Plant You’ll find potted hydrangeas for sale at nurseries during the growing season. If possible, buy your plant when it’s blooming, so you’re sure you’re getting the flower type—and color—you want.

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