How To Prune Peonie

How To Prune Peonie

With their lush blossoms in luminous shades of pink, white and red, peonies bring an old-fashioned charm to any garden. Common garden peonies (Paeonia lactiflora) are herbaceous plants that come up fresh from the ground every spring and are suitable for U.S.


Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 8, in areas of those zones where they receive at least 400 hours of temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Tree peonies (P. suffruticosa) feature the same blooms but in the form of a woody, deciduous shrub that grows slowly up to 10 feet tall.


Early-season Pruning In early spring, prune suckers that come up from around the base of a tree peony. Any of these shoots that fill in a sparse area can be allowed to mature. C


Early-season Pruning Cut away any dead or broken woody branches on a tree peony at this time as well. Gardeners growing herbaceous peonies can take it easy in the early spring, provided they did their fall garden clean up, removing any dead plant material from around the crown of the plant. 

New, dark red herbaceous peony shoots emerge from bare earth in spring with no pruning necessary.

Flower Care The flexible new growth of herbaceous peonies makes it difficult for the plant to support its full-petaled blooms, and they sometime wind up resting on the ground, especially after a rain. 

 Flower buds and blooming flowers can also be affected, with stems collapsing just under the bud. The bud turns brown and doesn't open, and a white fuzzy mold develops when conditions are wet

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