How to Create a Pollinator Garden

How to Create a Pollinator Garden

You don’t need a lot of space to start a pollinator garden; in fact, with only a few pots of flowers, you can attract beneficial creatures such as bees and butterflies to the area.

Seek out a site that receives at least six hours of sun each day.

If your space is limited, consider growing the pollinator garden plants in containers filled with rich, well-drained soil.

Be sure to provide water sources for the pollinators. For instance, many pollinators, such as butterflies, like to gather at and sip water from shallow pools, mud puddles, or birdbaths.

Research pollinator species native to your area and find out what plants and habitat elements these creatures need to thrive and reproduce. Read more at Gardening Know How: Pollinator Gardens: C

Use as many native plants as possible. Native plants are well suited to meet the needs of native pollinator species.

In fact, many of these creatures are actually dependent on them. Whether using native or non-native plants, you should choose from a wide range of flower shapes and sizes to suit the feeding preferences of a variety of pollinators.

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