Succulents vs. Cacti: What's the Difference?

Succulents vs. Cacti: What's the Difference?

What's the difference between a cactus and a succulent? Yes, they can look very different, but considering the fact that both flourish in dry climates and neither requires much water to survive

Is a Cactus a Succulent? Succulents are not their own distinct family, but can be found in around 60 families of plants. 

Cacti, in the Cactaceae family, make up one of these families. So all cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are cacti. Cacti are simply a subcategory within a group of plants, which are known collectively as succulents.

All succulents are defined as water-storing plants. The word "succulent" comes from Latin sucus, meaning juice or sap, and the modern word simply means "juicy."

Propagating Succulents and Cactus

Propagating Succulents and Cactus

Succulents, like other plants, can multiply via seeds. However, they have had to adapt as wind frequently carries the tiny seeds away from suitable growing areas.

Propagation generally refers to a method of multiplying from a piece of the parent plant. There are a few different ways in which succulents can multiply, which can happen naturally or purposefully by a gardener looking to expand their garden's variety.

Vegetative propagation occurs when a stem or offshoot from a parent plant gets replanted and forms its own roots from the cut end after a couple of weeks.

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