Creating a hospitable environment will entice butterflies to stay around long enough to lay eggs for a new generation.

By providing the basics of shelter, water, and food—including butterfly-friendly plants—butterflies have a greater chance of thriving and reproducing.

Make a plan. Determine which species you want to attract and are most likely to be in your area. Make a list of plants that will support those particular butterflies

Provide food. Adult butterflies rely solely on liquid food sources. They drink through a long tubular tongue that uncoils to sip liquid.

Create shelter. To protect butterflies, site trees and shrubs where they will provide a windbreak and a place out of the rain. These plants will also give places for butterflies to roost at night or hide from predators.

Offer water. Shallow puddles or moist sandy areas, which are preferred water sources for butterflies, also provide salts and essential minerals.

Keep it sunny. Butterflies are cold-blooded insects that will be less active on colder mornings.

Plant in drifts. Group the same plants in drifts of 3-5 so that butterflies can more easily spot the larger swaths of color.

Go organic. Don’t use chemical fertilizers or pesticides, as they can harm butterflies and other wildlife.

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