How to Prune Tomato Plant

How to Prune Tomato Plant


Some controversy exists over whether or not tomato plants should be pruned, and the reality is that if you don't, it will not cause problems.


Plenty of people do not prune at all and still grow good tomatoes.


Instruction 1. Locate the SuckerLook for the tomato suckers, which grow in the "V" space between the main stem and the branches on your tomato plant.


Remove the Sucker Suckers under 2 inches long can simply be pinched off with your fingers, but with larger suckers, use a pair of clean pruners, disinfecting them as you move from plant to plant to protect against spreading diseases.


Remove or Stake Long Branche Branches that are low-hanging and touching the ground should either be staked up or removed.


Leaves touching the ground can be susceptible to bacteria, fungi, and viral infections that can spread through the rest of the plant.


For more information click on link eblow

For more information click on link eblow