Overgrown tomato plants can easily become a nuisance by becoming tangled and taking over the vegetable garden.
Overgrown tomato plants can easily become a nuisance by becoming tangled and taking over the vegetable garden.
Tomato plants that are left to grow unchecked produced less fruit and lower quality fruit than plants that are pruned regularly.
Tomato plants that are left to grow unchecked produced less fruit and lower quality fruit than plants that are pruned regularly.
usually produce a smaller yield and they’re more likely to be affected by pests and diseases, especially if the branches are lying on the ground.
usually produce a smaller yield and they’re more likely to be affected by pests and diseases, especially if the branches are lying on the ground.
Getting into the habit of pruning tomatoes on a regular basis will give you the best yield.
Getting into the habit of pruning tomatoes on a regular basis will give you the best yield.
Tomato plants are fast growing so you need to check the plants at least once a week and remove any suckers that develop.
Tomato plants are fast growing so you need to check the plants at least once a week and remove any suckers that develop.
The suckers grow between the stem and the branch joint.
The suckers grow between the stem and the branch joint.
If you leave them to grow they will form another branch that will weigh the plant down and reduce the yield.
If you leave them to grow they will form another branch that will weigh the plant down and reduce the yield.
If the plant already has quite a few tomatoes forming you can pinch off the flowers which will allow the plant to focus its energy on growing the tomatoes that are already on the vine.
If the plant already has quite a few tomatoes forming you can pinch off the flowers which will allow the plant to focus its energy on growing the tomatoes that are already on the vine.
Once the plant reaches the top of the stake or support structure, about 5 feet (1.5 metres) tall, you can remove the new growth at the top of the plant.
Once the plant reaches the top of the stake or support structure, about 5 feet (1.5 metres) tall, you can remove the new growth at the top of the plant.