How To  Prune Herb

Your herb garden needs your attention for optimum growth.

Why Prune Herbs? – The herb garden will show abundant growth if you prune it routinely.

Pruning Herbaceous Herb Herbs such as basil, stevia, oregano, cilantro, chives, lemon balm, mint, etc. are herbaceous plants and do not have woody stems. 

any of these plants do not survive harsh winters (unless you live in a mild climate) and grow with vigor only in springs and summers–they are technically annuals. 

These plants are most suitable for light pruning. Don’t prune these herbs heavily, trim mainly from the top, skipping the sides. The herbs will grow bushier and productive with each light pruning cycle.

– Simply pinch back the top part along with the first set of leaves, just above the leaf node. This pinching will remove the terminal bud and allow the non-growing lateral buds to grow and the plant will become fuller, forming more stems and side shoots.

– You can trim more growth but with the point in mind–always cut above the leaf node or lateral buds (emerging little stems).

– This type of pruning can be done anytime or when you’re harvesting these herbs, instead of only picking the leaves, apply this method.

– Don’t over-prune these herbs and leave them balanced. Usually, regularly harvesting them is enough.

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