How to Plant a Fall Garden

How to Plant a Fall Garden

You may be in full summer-harvest mode, picking zucchini, tomatoes, and basil every night. Or maybe you got sidetracked this spring and your plans to get the vegetable garden going just never went according to plan.


Get started early. By the time many people start thinking about fall crops, it’s already too late. To ensure a successful fall and winter harvest, you need to start many of your late-season crops in the peak of summer.


In most regions, this means planting in the heat of August to give your crops time to size up while growing conditions are still good.

Some fast growing fall crops like lettuce and radishes can be planted into late September, but many desirable fall crops like broccoli and carrots need several months of prime-growing conditions to mature before frost and low light levels set in. When in doubt, plant your fall crops a little early.

Know how long it takes fall crops to grow. Each crop has a relatively predictable lifespan, meaning that you can anticipate approximately how long it will take to reach harvestable size.

Harvest summer crops ASAP. Get out there and harvest your spring and summer crops. Planning a successful fall garden hinges on the proper management of spring and summer plantings.

Know that crops last longer in fall. Fall and winter gardening turns your vegetable plot into a giant refrigerator. During the fall season, cool weather allows crops to hold longer in the garden once mature. 

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