How to Pinch a Calibrachoa Plant

How to Pinch a Calibrachoa Plant

 Calibrachoa is a popular garden annual that blooms continuously from planting until frost and is ideal for containers

These petunia look-alikes offer a wide range of flower colors and patterns that look great by themselves, or when combined with other plants.

Without any intervention, a Calibrachoa plant will grow up to 12 inches high (although some varieties are much shorter) and 24 inches wide

It has a naturally compact growth and a tendency to produce a carpet of flowers from summer and into fall.

According to North Carolina State University, Calibrachoa does not require deadheading, or removing spent flowers from the plant, to bloom continuously.

This self-cleaning characteristic, along with its drought- and heat-tolerant abilities, make Calibrachoa a good choice for gardeners looking for a hands-off annual.

You can also pinch Calibrachoa by removing the top of the central stem when the plant has sprouted just a few leaves.

This will cause it to produce even more side shoots and discourage too much upright growth.

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