How to Grow Oregano in Your Home

How to Grow Oregano in Your Home

Oregano is a low-maintenance perennial herb, meaning you can plant it once and harvest for years.


Native to the mountains of Greece, this culinary herb has long been a hallmark of cooking across the Mediterranean region.


Native to the mountains of Greece, this culinary herb has long been a hallmark of cooking across the Mediterranean region.


Watering: Water oregano about once a week, being careful not to overwater. Once established, oregano is a drought-tolerant plant.


 Pests and diseases: Oregano is vulnerable to aphids, spider mites, and root rot. Remove pests by hand or using horticultural soap, and make sure oregano has plenty of soil drainage to prevent root rot.


Companion planting : : Grow oregano a companion plant for brassicas like broccoli and cabbage, since it repels cabbage moths.


Budding  In summer, oregano produces pink-purple or white flowers. To maximize flavor in the leaves during this time, pinch off flower buds before they bloom.


Overwintering: To overwinter outdoor oregano plants, cover them with a layer of mulch. Alternatively, grow your oregano in containers that you can move inside during winter.


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