How to Grow Healthy Plant

How to Grow Healthy Plant

Taking care of plants can be very rewarding, even if the plant is a fern and doesn't produce fragrant flowers

Creating the Right Environmental Condition

Make sure the container or pot you are using is big enough. Plants need room to grow. A sure fire plant killer is allowing the roots to become crowded. If you're planting directly in the ground, be sure to allow enough space between plants.

Provide the right amount of sunlight. Plants generally need either full sunlight, partial sunlight, or partial shade. This relatively simple distinction has a big impact on how well plants do.[3]

Providing Water and Food  1. 📷

Fertilize. Most avid plant growers use some sort of fertilizer, but that's a matter of preference. If you choose to use fertilizer, visit your local greenhouse and ask questions about what to use and how much.[4]  1. 📷

Check your plants often. You should be checking your indoor plants weekly and outdoor plants at least every other day to see how they are doing. This will help you to detect any problems before they get out of hand. Make checking your plants a part of your routine  📷

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