How to Grow Creeping Speedwell

How to Grow Creeping Speedwell

Creeping speedwell is a spreading perennial ground cover plant adorned with dainty flowers.

Veronica filiformis is a trailing perennial that only reaches up to 5 inches in height and produces small, singular flowers

Light Creeping speedwell can be grown in both full sun and shade. However, full sun can be too intense for creeping speedwell when it is grown in warm climates. Plants grown in full shade often do not flower well.

Soil Creeping speedwell is a hardy plant frequently found growing in lawns, fields, and meadows.

Water Once established, creeping speedwell is considered drought-tolerant.

Temperature and Humidity This groundcover plant is adaptable to a wide range of temperature and humidity levels, as long as it is grown within USDA hardiness zones 3 to 9.

Fertilizer Creeping speedwell is a light feeder and can even be grown in poor soil conditions, so regular fertilizing is not necessary.

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