Callisia comes from the Latin words for beautiful lily.
Callisia comes from the Latin words for beautiful lily.
Though Callisia looks like a lily or a bromeliad and grows like a spider plants, it is actually in the inch plant family and is just as easy to grow and care for these plants
Though Callisia looks like a lily or a bromeliad and grows like a spider plants, it is actually in the inch plant family and is just as easy to grow and care for these plants
Like spider plant, Callisia basket plant sends out plantlets that can easily be snipped off and planted to propagate new plants
Like spider plant, Callisia basket plant sends out plantlets that can easily be snipped off and planted to propagate new plants
Callisia plant care is minimal. Simply hang a basket of the plant in low to medium light.
Callisia plant care is minimal. Simply hang a basket of the plant in low to medium light.
Water every 2-3 days. During spring, summer and fall, fertilize basket plants with a regular 10-10-10 fertilizer monthly. In the winter, stop fertilizing and water less frequently.
Water every 2-3 days. During spring, summer and fall, fertilize basket plants with a regular 10-10-10 fertilizer monthly. In the winter, stop fertilizing and water less frequently.
As with many houseplants, basket plant purifies indoor air pollutants. In addition, all parts of the plant are edible and used in herbal remedies.
As with many houseplants, basket plant purifies indoor air pollutants. In addition, all parts of the plant are edible and used in herbal remedies.