How to Grow  Butterfly Bush

How to Grow  Butterfly Bush

In warmer climates, butterfly bush (Buddleia davidii) is a deciduous shrub with an arching habit and impressive flowers.

n warmer climates, butterfly bush (Buddleia daviIn colder regions, it grows more like a perennial, dying back to the root crown each winter and reappearing in spring. dii) is a deciduous shrub with an arching habit and impressive flowers.

Butterfly bush self-seeds so readily that "how to do it" is almost laughably obvious.

t's an easy matter to transplant the volunteer seedlings that sprout up around a parent plant.

You can also harvest seeds from dried flower heads and store them to plant in the desired location the following spring.3

Potting and Repotting Butterfly Bush Most butterfly bush varieties are too large to make good container plants, but there are several dwarf varieties, such as the Lo and Behold and Pugster series

Overwintering These are sturdy, durable plants that don't need much in the way of winter protection

Even if the plants die back to the ground due to cold, they will usually assume to role of herbaceous perennial, sprouting up again in the spring.

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