How to Grow and Care for Kalanchoe

How to Grow and Care for Kalanchoe

A popular succulent, kalanchoe boasts long-lasting flowers and interesting foliage. Get tips for kalanchoe care and re-blooming.

Kalanchoe is popular with gardeners for a variety of reasons. Houseplant growers enjoy this succulent for its long-lasting brilliant red, pink, orange or white bloom heads that appear above the waxy green leaves in the cold of winter.

. That’s when we need colorful flowers the most! Those in warmer climates appreciate its drought-tolerance, making it great in rock gardens and xeriscaping.

Growing kalanchoe is pretty easy, but there are a few tips that will make it even easier. Here’s what you need to know before you grow this plant.

Kalanchoe Pronunciation and Plant History First up: How to pronounce this troublesome plant name!

The Botanary at Dave’s Garden says it’s “kal-un-KOH-ee,” and also notes that the name comes from the Chinese for one of the species.

It’s native to Madagascar and was brought to the rest of the world in 1932 by the botanist Robert Blossfeld. Due to its extreme cold sensitivity, kalanchoe is best-suited as a houseplant in most climates and has become a very popular one.

Botanical name: Kalanchoe blossfeldianaZones: 10-12 – Light needs: Full sun, as well as 14 hours of darkness for re-blooming – Soil: Well draining Kalanchoe is fairly easy to grow indoors when placed in the right conditions. It grows 12 inches wide by 18 inches tall and needs a temperature of between 60 – 85 degrees F.

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