How to Grow a Cactus From Its Leaf

How to Grow a Cactus From Its Leaf

Unlike their desert cousins, the leaflet-type holiday cactus prefers cooler temperatures and moister soil.

These cactuses produce stems that actually consist of segmented leaflets.

1. Examine the plant in late spring for new growth. With a clean knife, cut off a stem containing three new leaf segments.

Lay the cutting on a paper towel in a dry location away from direct sunlight. Allow the cut end of the segment to dry for 24 to 48 hours. Drying the cut prevents rot and disease during the rooting process.

Fill a 4-inch diameter pot with a sterile, well-drained potting mixture. Use a pot that has at least one drainage hole. Water the potting mix until moisture drips from the drainage hole and the mix is evenly moist.

Insert the cut end of the cutting 1 inch into the potting mix. You can plant up to three cuttings in a 4-inch pot.

Insert two wood skewers into the soil on opposite sides of the pot. Place a plastic bag over the top of the pot. The skewers prevent the bag from touching the cuttings, while retaining moisture in the soil and humidity in the air during the rooting process.

Set the pot in a warm room where the cuttings can receive bright but indirect sunlight, as direct sun can burn the unrooted cactus leaves. Remove the bag and water the soil if it begins to dry during this period, but do not overwater since this can cause the cuttings to rot.

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