How To Freeze Herb

How To Freeze Herb

Using fresh herbs straight from the garden is a summer pleasure even the most casual cook can appreciate. Sadly, like summer itself, it’s all too fleeting.

Once picked, their shelf life can be extended a bit, but fresh herbs are decidedly “of the moment.”

Drying herbs is probably the best known method for preserving summer herb surpluses, and may be the easiest way to make “hard” herbs like oregano, bay or rosemary last.

Freezing Bare Herb Many herbs can be simply frozen on the stem and stored in an airtight container. Left on the stem, hardier herbs like rosemary, dill, thyme, bay or sage can be spread in a single layer on a baking sheet or plate and placed in the freezer 

Freezing in Water For long-term storage, tender herbs like mint, parsley and cilantro can be removed from their stems and frozen into ice cubes.  

Freezing in Oil Basil freezes best when first processed into pesto, but this practice also works well with other herbs like oregano or thyme to be used in soups, sauces or other dishes where oil is welcome. 

Rolled Herb Flat-leaf herbs like Italian parsley or sage can be compressed and rolled for space-efficient storage. Remove stems and loosely fill a Ziploc bag with the leaves. 

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