How to Create Your Own Moss Garden

How to Create Your Own Moss Garden

What Is Moss? Moss is a plant that was once a water plant which decided to try living on land millions of years ago. This plant is one of the first things to move into any area


 You can find moss where you wouldn’t see any other living plant and in all the places in between. Moss is found almost everywhere on the earth except in salt water, both in the tropics and on the poles.

If what you want to do is encourage moss growth between, around or on top of an existing stone garden, make sure you don’t also have metal or treated lumber nearby.

Moss doesn’t like to drink water which comes into contact with heavy metals (treated lumber is treated with a heavy metal).

You may have success planting on top of some soil in a metal container, as long as the metal is “downstream” from your moss. Same with treated lumber window boxes.

If you are hoping to transplant moss over an area that was once grass, you will first need to remove all the grass and get the terrain down to bare dirt.

Moss isn’t particular about the nutrient value of the soil upon which it grows, so this isn’t a concern.

The concern is that there is no loose debris or moving dirt, which will keep the moss from being able to make contact with the earth. This doesn’t mean you can’t plant moss around companion plants. However, you do have to keep the area weeded while the moss is getting established.

Transplanting moss from other areas of your yard may be effective as long as you pay attention to, and try to mimic the original conditions. You can also purchase square footage of moss from a specialty moss nursery. Then, spread it over a larger area in small clumps.

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