How to care for a broom plant

How to care for a broom plant

Brooms are shrubs grown for their small, pea-like flowers in late spring and early summer. Two species share this common name – Cytisus and Genista. They are broadly similar, although Genista does better on alkaline soils.

Broom flowers come in the more familiar shades of yellow but also white, pink, orange and red.

Cytisus scoparius is native to Britain, and looks similar to gorse but without its sharp spines

It’s found on heaths, on the edge of woodland, in hedgerows and near the coast. It’s thought that broom is so-called because its long stems were used to make brushes. 

Water newly planted plants in their first year, until they are established, after that it should get all the moisture it needs from rainfall. There’s no need to feed a broom plant. You could pinch out the shoots of young plants to encourage a bushy shape. 

How to prune broom Cytisus should be pruned after flowering to ensure a good display of flowers the following year. Cut off the parts of the stems that have flowered, taking care not to cut into old wood. There is no need to prune Genista.

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