Are Butterfly Bushes Actually Bad for Butterflies?

Are Butterfly Bushes Actually Bad for Butterflies?

While they definitely attract butterflies, these shrubs do pose potential problems.


Bad for butterflies, no. Bad for the local ecosystem, maybe. But there are steps you can take to offset potential problems.


The fact is, butterflies love butterfly bush (Buddleja davidii), which reliably produces nectar-rich flowers for a long period of time.


The Problem With Butterfly Bush Problem is, those flowers eventually turn to seed. And before you know it, butterfly bush is on the march.


Sometimes it’s moving just across your yard, sometimes it’s launching seedlings all over the place — including wild areas, where it crowds out native plants.


Because of this, butterfly bush is considered an invasive pest in some parts of the country, particularly in the Northeast and Northwest.


There are solutions, but they come with their own set of caveats. First, be vigilant about deadheading flowers. Clip


There are solutions, but they come with their own set of caveats. First, be vigilant about deadheading flowers. Clip them as soon as they fade so they don’t produce seed.


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