How to grow strawberries in a Garden

The best strawberries you will ever taste will come from a garden, Because ripened strawberries have a rich and aromatic flavo

Garden strawberry is an easy-to-grow perennial fruiting plant that will reward the home gardener with a substantial harvest for many years.

Strawberry plants are mostly planted in rich, moist soil, spaced 12 to 18 inches apart, as they will shoot out runners quickly.

Plant them outside during the spring months to ensure that the plants are well-rooted for the following year.

Plant them outside during the spring months to ensure that the plants are well-rooted for the following year.

Add mulch between plants after planting, to keep soil temperatures cool, retain moisture, prevent weeds, and keep fruit on top of the soil.

Straw is the traditional strawberry mulch. Do not use black plastic, as this will increase soil temperature, and require cool soil for optimum fruit production.

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