How To Grow Million Bells Perfect Hanging Basket Plant!

How To Grow Million Bells Perfect Hanging Basket Plant!

Calibrachoa also called a million bells, seashore petunia, or trailing petunia. This plant is a very popular plant outdoor, most people grow them in containers. They are popular in garden design for use as blooming containers or colorful hanging baskets and window boxes. 

Million Bells is a trailing annual that fills out planters and baskets with a bushy canopy of bright green foliage. 

1.The plant spills over containers with ease, but unlike many vining plants, doesn’t grow wildly out of control. 

1.Beyond the incredible flower power it provides, Million Bells also holds up extremely well to Mother Nature as well. 

1.Perhaps best of all is the plant’s ability to last all season long. Unlike many annuals that lose their luster by mid-summer, Million Bells has long-lasting power!

1.It’s hard to find a lower maintenance container plant than Million Bells. For starters, the plant does not require deadheading to continue blooming 

In fact, the only requirement to keep Million Bells blooming big all season long is a light fertilizing now and then. Simply feed with a light/weak solution of liquid fertilizer every 10 to 14 days, and the plant will thrive 

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