How To Growing Indoor Orchids

How To Growing Indoor Orchids

To grow an orchid, you have to think like an orchid. The golden rule for orchid success is to duplicate the plant's natural conditions as closely as possible.  

When you first obtain your orchid, it will likely be healthy and in bloom. However, many gift orchids are potted in the wrong conditions for long-term growth. 

These plants thrive in strong light, but not direct late-afternoon sunlight (although dendrobiums can handle more sun). 


Orchids do not grow in regular potting soil or potting mix. Instead, you can purchase or make your own orchid medium, which may include a mix of unusual items, such as moss, bark, cork, or even chunks of brick, that will allow the roots to breathe.  


Orchids need very little water. Their roots are highly specialized organs designed to soak up water very quickly and breathe. They need regular periods of drying alternated with heavy watering. 


They also need high humidity and airflow around the roots. Orchids do best in temperatures above 50 degrees but below 85 degrees.

Temperature and Humidity

During the growing season, feed it weekly with a weak solution of a powder or liquid fertilizer. Don't fertilize it in the winter.


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