Fortune plants bring good luck, fortune and prosperity

Snake plant is also known as Sansevieria and mother-in-law’s tongue. This plant grows 2 to 4 feet tall and has long green and yellow striped leaves.

Snake plant

This plant is very popular in Asia. Asian culture has always regarded the bamboo plant as a symbol of good fortune. It is the native of Southeast Asia.

Lucky bamboo plant

Money plant has coin-shaped leaves. According to feng shui Money plant bring luck and good fortune to the house.

Money Plant

The rubber plant’s scientific name is ficus elastic. This plant is a native of Asia, especially in India and Malaysia.

Rubber plant

It has round-shaped leaves which are similar to a coin. These plant leaves symbolize wealth and growth. It is also very low maintenance.

Jade plant

As we all know tulsi. Hindu people consider Tulsi as a god. Hindus worship Tulsi. In India, most people grow this plant in their houses


Areca palm’s scientific name is Dypsis lutescens. According to feng shui, the Areca palm brings luck, health, prosperity, and peace.

Areca palm

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